Here’s something that i didn’t or never tell anyone else.Im afraid of losing my one and only thing thats special to me.I know some people might think its completely ridiculous and utterly does not make sense then im sorry you have to read this.No matter how i try to ignore it but i can’t.Im tired of the one who have to give up.Im tired of losing.Its my thing.I know im not the only one who likes them,there are thousand and thousand of people but i don’t care about the others.
4 reason why its special to me.1st reason its the one thing that helps my relationship with anis better and not awkward at all.2nd its the thing that open me up to music that i thought i never listen too.3rd it changes me inside and outside.i never thought i can change.i thought i’ll be like this forever but this special thing helps me to be a person who doesn’t care about anything else in the world.Things that im not supposed to care beside me,my friends and family.and the BIGGEST reason would be its the thing that helps me forget the things that i never ever would forget.it keeps me distracted and calms me down.the one and only thing that i have and you have to like the same thing.Do you understand how it feels to loose something that so FUCKING special to you to the one and only person that puts you there in that 1st place?.Try to put yourself in my FUCKING shoes dude.
I FUCKING hate this feeling,even if i say it to your FUCKING face i know it won’t make me feel any better because i will never completely forget about what you did.Im not the kind of person thats easily forgive and forget.I DON’T FUCKING FORGET and im still trying to forget about it.to tell you the truth,its always gonna be deep inside my head no matter what. im sorry if im a bad person who can’t forgive people making mistake,i give you warning for what about to come but you want that mistake right?.so i can if i can’t forgive you.i can’t tell you who to like or what but you need to understand and know that this thing is FUCKING special.not because of their looks or songs,they are the reason i am who i am now.all i have to say is that just don’t cross the FUCKING line.i can’t stand losing anything or anymore thats special to me.